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Exchange Traded Funds Tracked by the Quick-term, Short-term, and Short-Quick Consolidated Indicant Models

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The three models were consolidated into one chart in early 2009 to minimize the number of clicks.

Indicant # Symbol ETF Name Sector/Profile Summary More Information on ETF Profile Curr NTI Curr QTI Curr STI
#01 QQQQ NASDAQ100 Trust Series 1 Large Growth QQQQ: Profile for NASDAQ 100 TR SER I  Chart-01  Chart-01  Chart-01
#02 SPY SPDRS Large Blend SPY: Profile for S&P DEP RECEIPTS  Chart-01  Chart-01  Chart-01
#03 XLE Energy Sel Natl Res XLE: Profile for ENERGY SELECT SPDR  Chart-01  Chart-01  Chart-01
#04 IWM Russell 2000 Small Blend IWM: Profile for ISHARE RUS 2000 INDX  Chart-01  Chart-01  Chart-01
#05 XLF Financial Sel Financial XLF: Profile for FINANCIAL SEL SPDR  Chart-02  Chart-02  Chart-02
#06 EWJ iShares MSCI Japan Japan Stock EWJ: Profile for ISHARE MSCI JAPAN INC  Chart-02  Chart-02  Chart-02
#07 DIA Diamonds Large Value DIA: Profile for DIAMONDS TRUST SER 1  Chart-02  Chart-02  Chart-02
#08 EFA iShares EAFE Index Foreign Large Blend EFA: Profile for ISHARES MSCI EAFE FD  Chart-02  Chart-02  Chart-02
#09 XLK Tech Sel Technology XLK: Profile for TECHNOLOGY SPDR  Chart-03  Chart-03  Chart-03
#10 IBB iShares NQ Biotech Health IBB: Profile for ISHARE NQ BIOTCH INX  Chart-03  Chart-03  Chart-03
#11 GLD Gold Precious Metals GLD: Profile for STREETTRACKS GOLD TR  Chart-03  Chart-03  Chart-03
#12 XLU Utilities Utilities XLU: Profile for UTILITIES SEL SPDR  Chart-03  Chart-03  Chart-03
#13 EWH iShares Hongk Pac-Asia-Ex Japan EWH: Profile for ISHARE MSCI HONGKONG  Chart-04  Chart-04  Chart-04
#14 TLT iShares Lehman Long Government TLT: Profile for ISHARES LEHMAN 20 YR  Chart-04  Chart-04  Chart-04
#15 IVV iShares S&P500 Large Blend IVV: Profile for ISHARE S&P 500 INDX  Chart-04  Chart-04  Chart-04
#16 IWO iShares Rusell 2000 Small Growth IWO: Profile for ISHARE RUS 2000 GROW  Chart-04  Chart-04  Chart-04
#17 IYR IiShrs DJ RESTI Real Estate IYR: Profile for ISHARE DJ R EST INX  Chart-05  Chart-05  Chart-05
#18 MDY S&P500 Mid Caps Mid-Cap Blend MDY: Profile for S&P MID DEPOSIT RCPT  Chart-05  Chart-05  Chart-05
#19 XLB Materials SPDR Large Value XLB: Profile for MATERIALS SS SPDR FD  Chart-05  Chart-05  Chart-05
#20 EEM iShrs MSCI E.M. Diversified Emrging Mkts EEM: Profile for ISHARES MSCI E.M.I.F  Chart-05  Chart-05  Chart-05
#21 EWZ iShrs MSCI Brazil Latin Am Stks EWZ: Profile for ISHARE MSCI BRAZIL F  Chart-06  Chart-06  Chart-06
#22 IWF iShrs Russell 1000 G Large Growth IWF: Profile for ISHARE RUS 1000 GROW  Chart-06  Chart-06  Chart-06
#23 IWD iShrs Russell 1000 V Large Value IWD: Profile for ISHARE RUS 1000 VALUE  Chart-06  Chart-06  Chart-06
#24 IWN iShrs Russell 2000 V Small Value IWN: Profile for ISHARE RUS 2000 VALUE  Chart-06  Chart-06  Chart-06
#25 DVY iShrs Dow Sel D Mid-Cap Val DVY: Profile for ISHARES DOW SEL DIV  Chart-07  Chart-07  Chart-07
#26 IJR iShare S&P600 Small Blend IJR: Profile for ISHARE SP SC 600 INX  Chart-07  Chart-07  Chart-07
#27 XLP Consmr Staple Large Blend XLP: Profile for CONSUMER STAP SPDR  Chart-07  Chart-07  Chart-07
#28 EWT iShrs Taiwan Pac-Asia-Ex Japan EWT: Profile for ISHARE MSCI TAIWAN  Chart-07  Chart-07  Chart-07
#29 XLY Consmr  Large Blend XLY: Profile for CONSUMER DIS SS SPDR  Chart-08  Chart-08  Chart-08
#30 XLI Industrial Spider Large Blend XLI: Profile for INDUSTRIAL SPDR  Chart-08  Chart-08  Chart-08
#31 QID UtraShort QQQQ Bear Market QID: Profile for PT UTLRSHRT QQQQ




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