The Long-term Indicant Buy and Sell History over Eighty Years
Please read the
following. The tour should take no more than eight to ten minutes. Keep in mind
this is a model for those of you who are long term oriented. Also,
please recognize that a 40 year old investor in 1929 was nearly 70 years
old before he or she was back to break even. But if the Indicant were
available to that investor, they would have sold their positions before
the ensuing 30 year bear market.
To help you understand the charts on the tour, please note the following:
1. The meaning of the lines on the charts are recorded on the top of each
2. LT means Long Term.
3. The market is bullish when the LT Indicant curve falls below the LT Trip
4. The market is bearish when the LT Indicant curve moves above the LT Trip
5. The LT Indicant will not always
signal bull or bear from rules number 3
and 4 above. If the market is above the Lag Curve when the LT Indicant suggests
the market is going to become bearish, it is recommended to remain in the market
until such time the market falls below the lag curve.
6. If the market is below the Lag Curve when the LT Indicant suggests the
market is going to become bullish, it is recommended to remain out of the market
until such time the market crosses above the Lag Curve.